Vacation Rental Management Services

We take a proactive approach to caring for your vacation rental ensuring all have a hassle-free stay. Relying on our vacation rental management services is essential, as we can handle all the details, enhancing the quality of your vacation rental property.

Vacation Rental Concierge Services


Essential Vacation Rental Care

This level offers essential home maintenance services that can be tailored to meet your basic needs.

  • Check the quality of housekeeping after completion and ensure guests arrive to a clean and organized rental.

  • Pricing: $50 per hour, one-hour minimum, or inquire about a monthly rate after consultation.

    *Hourly rate can be subject to change based on homeowners specific needs

Popular Vacation Rental Concierge

Premium Vacation Excellence

Elevate your home concierge experience with our Gold Elite tier, providing enhanced concierge services.

  • Check the quality of housekeeping after completion and ensure guests come to a clean and organized rental.

    Perform monthly checks on the property to ensure monthly maintenance is completed as well as report any damage.

  • $60 per hour, one-hour minimum, or inquire about a monthly rate after consultation.

    *Hourly rate can be subject to change based on homeowners specific needs

Black-Label Vacation Bliss

Experience the epitome of excellence with our Black Label Premier service. Offering premium concierge services and ensuring an unparalleled level of satisfaction.

  • Check the quality of housekeeping after completion and ensure guests come to a clean and organized rental.

    Perform monthly checks on the property to ensure monthly maintenance is completed as well as report any damage.

    Create and maintain inventory checklists of items in the rental and restock when needed.

    Add personal touches for incoming guests.

  • $70 per hour, one-hour minimum, or inquire about a monthly rate after consultation.

    *Hourly rate can be subject to change based on homeowners specific needs

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Just bought your first vacation rental in St. Augustine?

Here’s how A Happy Home Concierge can help

We specialize in the meticulous setup and preparation of a vacation rental property.

We assist with the purchasing of linens, supplies, and necessity household items.

We will create inventory lists to maintain a well-stocked rental.

We can also assist in the marking aspect for rental websites.